I admit that I feel disgusted by this.
What's more I learned that,two years ago,the very same brand opened up another can of worms by putting out another shirt with "Eat Less" in huge writing. There's no justification for either of these statements and it's THIS bullshit that is crammed down the throats of young,impressionable male and female teenagers. It's damaging,it's morally wrong and quite frankly,it's sick.

Photos taken from the the Daily Mail
With such a young target audience,Urban Outfitters must be held responsible for their actions. These statements not only promote negative activity but are extremely harmful in the long run. It's not just a t-shirt,people,this is far more psychological. As if we didn't have enough subliminal messaging from television and advertising,now it's just a slap in the face.
I honestly never thought a clothing company would stoop so low - clearly,I was very wrong indeed.
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