Monday, 30 December 2013

It's Too Cliché.

Speaking from personal experience,indulging in any sort of romantic venture is complicated business.

Can you relate?
Is it just me that finds it inexplicably awkward and more difficult to navigate than the Amazon Rainforest? 

I'm so lost all of time.Maybe I'm being hit on,maybe I'm not.Maybe they like me,or maybe they don't.I can't tell and I don't know HOW to tell.Even the internet can't help me with that.People are so individual inside and though we'd be boring without such a trait,it's all the more confusing in the dating world. 

I've supposed that consistent physical touch could indicate a candidate,but that theory has been wrong in the past. An abnormal level of personal interest always left me wondering whether there had been something more than simple face value only then for me to find out that the person was just doggone nosy! Then there's the age old dilemma of a lack of confidence in myself - after all,why would anyone ever like me as anything more than a friend?

Nope,I really can't answer that question because I don't know. 

I guess I'm young,so at least I've got that going for me.Experience comes with age though,8 out of 10 times. I can't tell you the amount of books and articles I've read ( much to my shame.) about body language,in the hopes to somehow crack this code. But to no avail;I'm still clueless.

I'll just have to hope that one day I'll wake up and magically understand how it all works.

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